Joining the ethics board of Machine Intelligence for People

⚖️ Joining the ethics board

It has been already some time but I just forgot to mention it at all. It was April 2023 that I was asked by Paul to join their ethics board. It was my experience in the field of AI and specifically in the medical field that he wanted my input on given projects that could be on the horizon. There are always unforeseen aspects and Paul’s focus was to have a diverse team to look at things from various angles.

Machine Intelligence for People - MI4People

MI4People is run by Dr. Paul Springer and they are trying to do some cool stuff in the AI space, but with the focus on making it count for the greater good. They’re a nonprofit that works on AI projects aimed at tackling specific problems and making them accessible to as many as possible. Think healthcare, sustainability, and the environment.

Their approach is all about transparency and accessibility. They partner with researchers and nonprofits to create tools that anyone can use, whether it’s AI for diagnosing rare pediatric diseases or spotting ocean litter from satellite images.

One of the things that really stands out is how they’re committed to sharing what they build. It’s not just about creating AI tech—it’s about making sure everyone has access to it. They believe innovation should benefit everyone, not just a select few with deep pockets. So, all their research, tools, and data? They make it public, so others can build on it and keep pushing the impact even further.

Their projects are just as diverse as their mission. They’re working on using AI to detect marine litter, helping environmental groups and policymakers get accurate data on pollution hotspots. On the healthcare side, they’ve got an AI-powered tool to help doctors diagnose rare pediatric diseases. Early detection can make all the difference for kids dealing with these conditions, and MI4People is right at the forefront of making that possible.

And the sustainability stuff is also huge. They’re tapping into machine intelligence to monitor everything from deforestation to plastic waste, giving organizations the information they need to step in and make a difference. AI’s potential to drive change in environmental causes is massive, and MI4People is showing how it can be done ethically and effectively.

What’s refreshing is that MI4People doesn’t treat AI as a flashy new tech to show off. They’re all about solving real problems and creating tangible results, whether it’s improving health outcomes, protecting our environment, or making AI more accessible to nonprofits and communities that can truly benefit from it.

If you want to see more of what they’re working on and dive into their projects, check out their site. Whether you’re into AI or just curious about how tech can drive social change, MI4People is definitely worth following. They’re proving that when it comes to AI, doing good and doing it right can go hand in hand.


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