Cursor vs Eye Tracking – Is Eye Tracking worth the trouble?
Back in 2017, I embarked on yet another digital adventure, creating another website. The excitement was palpable, each pixel and piece of content meticulously crafted.
Back in 2017, I embarked on yet another digital adventure, creating another website. The excitement was palpable, each pixel and piece of content meticulously crafted.
I was interviewed for a blog post on the Lindera website. The original title was: 6 Fragen an… KI-Experte und Head of Clinical Dr. Adjmal
I had the pleasure to talk to Moritz Stoll. He is host of the German Podcast Tech & Trara.
In their 108th episode, we
This article was published in the German Newspaper the Handelsblatt. The original title is “Mit KI und Motion-Tracking zur präventiven Medizin“.
As you would say in German “KI-basierte Mobilitätsanalyse für das Entlassmanagement“. That was the original title of my talk, as the conference was held in
When I first started to dabble in entrepreneurship not much existed at the Radboud University. It was really early days. After some time the University
The Gelderlander is one of the largest newspapers in The Netherlands and they started a new tech section in 2021. It was around that time
I was invited to speak with Ivo de Clercq and with Lucas Prigge, who I have met through the Gelderland Valoriseert initiative. We both attended
Every year, Nijmegen hosts an event for all entrepreneurs across all sections of industry that the region has to offer. We have large companies being
The economic board of Arnhem and Nijmegen hosts this event from time to time. Their goal is to increase the innovation profile of the region.
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