Gelderland Valoriseert – Celebrating the successful end

🗓️ September, 2017

Gelderland Valoriseert - Celebrating the successful end

It was August 2017 and the heads of the program Gelderland Valoriseert gave me a call. The program was about to come to an end and they wanted to go out with a bang.

They were organizing an event and wanted to show off some of the startups they supported. In total 4 were invited to give a talk and I was one of them.

Gelderland Valoriseert was an initiative from the region of Arnhem and Nijmegen in The Netherlands. The goal was simple, create a network and infrastructure to accelerate the transfer of knowledge from universities to business. 

I first got in touch with the initiative after I was invited to be part of their accelerator program. It was a lot of fun. I met great people and felt honored to speak at their final event.

At their event, they wanted to show short clips of the presenters. Here you can see mine.

📽️ Presenters intro clip

📷 Pictures of the event

Here are some pictures taken during my talk. It was a lot of fun, especially because of the seating arrangement.


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