Podcast #10 – Jonas Albert – Digital Therapeutics and the Digital Transformation
Ever heard of digital therapeutics? Most people haven’t. In this episode, I talk to Jonas Albert. Jonas is a market access and strategy specialist for digital health markets, with a big focus on digital therapeutics. He is currently working as managing consultant for fbeta, Germany’s leading consultancy in the area of product conception, evidence generations, […]
Podcast #9 – Roshan Cools – Brain mechanisms of cognitive control and motivation
Our guest today is Roshan Cools. Roshan is a Professor of Cognitive Neuropsychiatry at the Radboud University Medical Center and Principal Investigator at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour. Roshan is interested in Willpower. How does it work and how do underlying factors such as cognitive control and motivation influence it? Her research […]
Podcast #8 – Frank Leone – Using science to improve education
Our guest today is Frank Leoné. I had the distinct honor to share an office with him during our PhD time. Frank has a passion for understanding and improving learning as well as education. He is currently an assistant professor in Neuroeducation & Artificial Intelligence at the Donders Institute. His focus is to integrate insights […]
Podcast #7 – Vitoria Piai – How we process and create language
Our guest today is Dr. Vitoria Piai. Vitória is a senior researcher at the Donders Centre for Cognition and the Radboud University Medical Centre. Her research focuses on language function in healthy and neurological populations, such as stroke, brain tumor, epilepsy, and neurodegenerative disorders such as dementia or Parkinson’s. She pays special attention to the […]
Podcast #6 – Pieter Medendorp – Sensory Integration and Transformation in the brain
Our guest today is Prof. Pieter Medendorp. Pieter is the head of the sensorimotor lab at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, where he is also the chair of Sensorimotor Neuroscience and the director of the Donders Centre for Cognition. Pieter’s research interests focus on the relationship between brain and behavior, and in […]
Podcast #5 – Alan Sanfey – How we make decisions and the science of it
Our guest today is Prof. Alan Sanfey. Alan is a Principal Investigator at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior. Previously he has held positions as Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Arizona, and as a postdoctoral research fellow at Princeton University. He currently heads the Decision Neuroscience group at the Donders […]
Podcast #4 – Ian Cameron – Problems of the academic system
Our guest today is Dr. Ian Cameron. Ian works at the exciting interface between academia, entrepreneurship, industry and society. He is driven towards the societal applications from neuroscience and psychological research, and brings management and entrepreneurial practices to academia. He holds an MBA, where he wrote his management thesis about the alignment of culture, structure […]
Podcast #3 – Ivar de Lange – Using psychology for bartending and cocktails
Our guest today is Ivar de Lange. Ivar is an award winning bartender and entrepreneur with a background in Medical Psychology. In our conversation we talk about the cocktail and bar experience. How the industry is setup and where it could go. We also touch upon the impact Ivar’s medical psychology background had on his […]
Podcast #2 – Erwin de Boer – How sound is used for design and branding
Our guest in this episode is Erwin de Boer. Erwin is currently working as a marketing expert and has ample experience as a Sound brand designer. He also expanded his hands-on experience to video and photography. He created sounds for many clients among which are Eindhoven Airport, Wave Kitchen Products, to 3d Audio for Virtual Reality […]
Podcast #1 – Raphael Smals – The difficulty of teaching entrepreneurship
Our guest in this episode is Dr. Raphael Smals. Raphael has had ample industry experience also as an entrepreneur himself. His career developed towards academia and by now teaching is a major part of his work. We are talking a bit about Raphaels background and then move into the issues and opportunities with teaching entrepreneurship. We […]