Nijmeegse Ondernemers – Event

Every year, Nijmegen hosts an event for all entrepreneurs across all sections of industry that the region has to offer. We have large companies being present, like Planon or the Van der Valk Hotel Group, but also smaller ones, especially starting up ones.

Economic Board x Innovate Presentation

The economic board of Arnhem and Nijmegen hosts this event from time to time. Their goal is to increase the innovation profile of the region.

That’s why politicians, business people, people form university, and startups are present.

Data Donderdag #23 – Milk and the Mind

After presenting at the AI Expo 2018 in Amsterdam, I got to meet GoDataDriven. We immediately got along and we shared the approach of getting data to make better decisions. They were hosting a regular Meetup event, the so called Data Donderdag, or Data Thursday.

Gelderland Valoriseert – Celebrating the successful end

It was August 2017 and the heads of the program Gelderland Valoriseert gave me a call. The program was about to come to an end and they wanted to go out with a bang. They were organizing an event and wanted to show off some of the startups they supported. In total 4 were invited to give a talk and I was one of them.